Re:Verse passage – James 3:13-18 (day five) “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”
How do you control your tongue? (that part of our bodies James previously describes as dangerous and potentially destructive) The question that James ushers to our minds in the previous verses in chapter 3, is answered in our Re:Verse passage this week.
Answer: Wisdom.
I love James’ perspective on this seemingly abstract subject. In his teaching, wisdom is not abstract it is tangible and visible. It can be “shown”. Wait! What? Yes! Wisdom is meant to be seen before it is heard. There can be evidence of wisdom. James teaches that this evidence is ultimately behavioral rather than intellectual. Knowledge and understanding are important but are clearly demonstrated (according to James) by “good life” and “humility”. Wanna find wisdom (from teachers/leaders/friends? Look before you listen.
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