Re:Verse passage – James 3:1-12 (day two) Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.
We live in a fishbowl age. Our lives are lived out in real time on social media and we are constantly seeking affirmation or receiving condemnation for our choices. This is a true issue in the world today. To make it worse, some people are called to professions of even greater visibility. Teachers, politicians, and pastors all have a high degree of scrutiny which they face with every word they utter. Sounds maddening, doesn’t it? Why would anyone choose to be under such constant pressure? Frankly, if I may be so bold, the call is greater than the criticism. It has to be. We can choose to cower and withdraw from the watchful eyes of the world, but then we would be betraying what God has called us to be. The call to serve others comes with much baggage that can be difficult to carry, but Jesus has promised the Holy Spirit will be our advocate in those times. Hang in there.
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I am blessed and very grateful to you and the other ministers at FBCSA for your obedience to answer that call with a resounding “Yes”! May we all be obedient to follow our Lord daily with our whole heart.