Re:Verse passage – James 2:14-26 (day six)
5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” -Jesus, John 15:5
When you put a seed in the ground and water it accordingly, you expect after a few days time for it to sprout. If you continue to tend to the new shoot, you can expect it to grow and then eventually bear fruit.
James, Jesus’ brother, is simply saying the say thing in a different way. Faith is like a seed, the expectation is for faith to always grow and eventually bear fruit. A faith in Jesus that doesn’t grow and produce fruit (or good works), would be just as non-sensical as a tree or vine that doesn’t bear fruit.
Producing fruit is the most normal thing for a tree. Producing good works is the most normal thing for faith.
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Thank you for your beautiful explanation! Makes sense! Had never connected it that way.