
Re:Verse passage – Judges 7:1-11 (day three)

“Let all the others go home.”

The Bible says, in various ways and repeatedly, “You have more resources than you think you do.” Elisha told his servant, “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” The Israelites in the desert learned that “the one who gathered little did not have too little.” A little money amounted to an extravagant gift. A shockingly low word count from a political prisoner signaled to Pilate that he was dealing with somebody who knew a different source of authority than he had ever encountered. These are some examples. There are many more. Gideon could discharge thousands of soldiers and yet grow stronger. The Bible is consistent: What you think is mighty hardly ever is, and what you think is weakness is stronger than you’ve realized.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Small”

  1. What a blessed reminder your blog is this morning , BR. Just what I needed this morning. 🎶…Little is much when God is in it…🎶

  2. Thank you for the reminder. Yes Lord, open our eyes (minds) so that we may see (remember) you surround us with your angels and armies. You go before us, whom shall we fear!

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