Re:Verse passage – Judges 6:22-35 (day two)
Then Gideon took ten men of his servants and did as the Lord had spoken to him; and because he was too afraid of his father’s household and the men of the city to do it by day, he did it by night. vs. 27
Have you noticed that fear plays quite a role in the story of Gideon. His fear manifests itself in several ways: he doesn’t feel qualified, he fears reprisal from the people, and in next week’s reading we see his doubts again as he puts the Lord to the test. Even so, God does not change Gideon’s assignment. Don’t you think the Lord knew who he was choosing to help deliver Israel? Don’t you think he knew that we was the least among the least, and that his qualifications were less than officer candidate material? Of course he did! It’s the same with you. One of the things I love best about this interchange between God and Gideon is that despite his anxiety, Gideon obeys. Despite his many shortcomings he is still chosen. Friend, don’t let your fear stop your obedience.
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