“Got Wisdom?”

Re:Verse passage – 2 Chronicles 1:1-13 (day five)

Many of you might remember an ad campaign that ran over twenty years ago with two simple words, “Got milk?” It was a simple, yet memorable phrase that was seemingly etched into so many commercials, newspaper and magazine ads, and billboards all across the nation. Even as a young kid, I remember watching those commercials thinking that I needed to drink milk every time that I saw an ad for it!

The premise behind the TV commercials was simple: the people selling the milk wanted you to think that you needed milk, and that having it was the only way to make whatever situation you were in, a better one. Milk-needy people in the commercials would search and search until they found a source of milk, only to find that the source of the milk was empty. Then, a voiceover and big letters on the screen would ask, “Got milk?”

When I read 2 Chronicles 1:1-13, I am reminded of the “Got milk” ad campaign. I can just imagine Solomon coming to the realization that he was severely lacking in wisdom to lead the kingdom of Israel. But Solomon knew where the source of wisdom was. He knew that God was the only source for an infinite amount of wisdom, and so he asked for more. Do you lack wisdom? Where do you search for wisdom and when was the last time you asked for more of it?

– Jimmy Gunn

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