Re:Verse passage – 2 Chronicles 1:1-13 (day four)
Solomon recognized who had made him king…it wasn’t his father David, it wasn’t the Israelites, it was God. He also recognized the huge task before him of ruling this mass of people. Solomon had no doubt been raised in the lap of luxury…wanting for nothing. Now though, faced with the responsibility of making the decisions that would affect all of the Israelites, Solomon turned to his God. When God offered him whatever he desired, Solomon requested wisdom to rule. To Solomon’s credit, this was a very wise answer…reflecting his training and heritage.
How would we respond to such an offer? Winning the Publisher’s Clearing House drawing would be nice…houses and lands…longevity and good health…certainly our culture pushes us to such self-gratifying rewards. Wisdom and knowledge, obedience and discernment, kindness and love…how could we best serve our God? The answers to a question like God asked are answers of the heart. Solomon had prepared his heart prior to God’s question by worshiping his God. How are you preparing your heart…should you be asked a question?
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