
Re:Verse passage – 2 Chronicles 1:1-13 (day three)

I will also give you riches, wealth, and honor…”

The lure of the underdog narrative can command our attention to such a degree that we start to believe that underdogs always win. They don’t. They often have something to teach us about perseverance, faith, hope, and humility, but they don’t command the voice, influence, and authority it takes to shape a society. In fact, the tragedy of the underdog is this: If that person possessed social power equal to character, the kind of triumph that could result would leave a legacy capable of determining the course of history for generations. As it is, though, the world often suffers at the hands of those possessing vast resources but little understanding. “May I learn wisdom at least equal to my net worth for the sake of those I might influence” is a worthy prayer.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

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