Re:Verse passage – 1 Chronicles 28:11-21 (day one)
Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through 1 Chronicles 28:11-21 in our NEW Spring Sermon Series: “SOLOMON – Building A Place of Worship.”
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Russell and I have fun with you all and entertained ordering Pastor Chris socks with all five pastoral faces on them after last week.
Regarding today’s post, we know Moses was restricted due to disobedience–a hard lesson for those of us with tempers–and isn’t there some substantiation that David was at times more vengeful than necessary, possibly leading to the Lord’s ‘no’ regarding building the Temple?
Modern believers are accused of being too grace-oriented; we dislike lessons that opportunities in our lives can be lost due to our own choices. Grace covers all, and, holiness matters; both are true.
This all reminds me of how finite and powerless we are. Taking what little God gives us to use is a challenge indeed. Your “special” make me laugh and cry. So truthful and vulnerable you made us see you and ourselves. My favorite was the worship in the snow. How often in the mountains verses come to mind and songs I’ve sung. Wonderful, Pastors, thank you.
Perhaps David didn’t grieve as much as Moses, when not getting to follow on with what he wanted to do, because it was HIS SON that was taking on the task. I think most parents would be less disappointed if their child was getting the honor as opposed to someone to which they were not as close.
Thank you all for everything you do in ministering to the church.