Re:Verse passage – Mark 2:13-17 (day six)
There is a lot of comfort from this story. Jesus breaking bread with the unlovely and marginalized. The spiritually elite bent out of shape; couldn’t figure out why Jesus, a now reputable teacher and miracle worker, would waste his time and tarnish his public reputation; they cringed at the thought of the uncleanliness.
Not Jesus. He ate with them, laughed, shared stories…changed their lives. The very people the elite hated, he loved. Aren’t you glad; comforted?
If Jesus dined with them, he certainly would dine with me. In fact, he has…and changed my life. And aren’t you compelled?
If Jesus changed me, and others, by drawing near; spending time with people who needed him most (and others hated), shouldn’t we do the same?
Who are you dining with?