Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 11/16/2020

Re:Verse passage – Philippians 4:1-9 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Philippians 4:1-9 in our Fall Sermon Series: “Pure Joy” a study of Philippians.

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4 thoughts on “Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 11/16/2020”

  1. When we Home-Schooled our kids, we learned this passage in the KJV.
    Using the first letter from each word, you can remember this passage. Phil 4:8
    The Honest Judge Pardons Little Girls Very Patiently.

  2. Thankful for the way you three plumbed the depths of this many-layered passage! Bryan, it really does go “way beyond positive thinking.” And I loved Aaron’s question, “What is God’s definition of lovely?” First-century foot-washing wasn’t a lovely activity. But when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet out of love, it became lovely. When Mary washed Jesus’ feet out of love, it became lovely. To me, the other big truth here was that “Joy has a component of happiness, but what enables us to have joy is to let it befriend the other emotions.” It is how we get through grief and fear.
    Dave and I both talked about Aaron’s comments about “things that are true”–are we anxious because we don’t think God is being truthful and trustworthy? Is truth the remedy to being anxious? I’m an incurable optimist, and when I look forward to life being just like it used to be before COVID, when I look forward to traveling and gathering with faraway family and singing with gusto in choir and worshiping with everyone together again…I absolutely avoid imagining that not happening. But if I trust that God is sovereign, true, lovely–I have to trust that He knows what is best and what needs to happen, even if it’s not what I’d like. I have to accept His truth and respond with the joy only He can give!

  3. I looked in KJV Bible and I had written a list. When you start to worry. 1. Praise vs 4, 2. Poise vs 5 the Lord is near. 3. Prayer vs 6, 4 Problems vs7 Solutions 5. Think list vs 8.
    He keeps our minds safe when we think on these things.
    I have to thank Pastor Aaron in recommending the book on Psalms a few weeks ago. This book has been making me think so much more about my favorite book of the Bible. My go to Psalm is Psalm 91 during this year. Thank you to all our pastors for our everyday prayer sessions.

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