
Re:Verse passage – Philippians 3:17-21 (day four)

Was Paul being judgmental?  In today’s ‘woke’ society, passing judgment on someone is taboo.  That is…unless it is the ‘woke’ person who is doing it.  They have the proper facts to accurately discern the situation and arrive at ‘truth’. (tongue in cheek!)  Paul would not have fared well in our society.

Many who condemn other’s judgment…while expounding their own…use themselves as examples of what is right.  Paul set the example, but his life had been totally and completely changed by Jesus Christ.  Paul was transformed by the cross so that he was no longer set on earthly things but rather on heavenly things.

How about you?  Are you seeking to conform to the world around you?  Are you guided by the opinions of others instead of the opinions of God?  Are you so invested in the Word of God that you recognize false truth when you hear it?  To follow Paul’s example is to follow Christ’s example.  Choose God’s glory…your citizenship must be in heaven!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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