Re:Verse passage – Philippians 3:17-21 (day three)
“Our citizenship is in heaven.”
Will this earth and the entire created order one day be crumpled up, swept away, destroyed, annihilated? Will it one day have outlived its usefulness and no longer possess any value to any living creature? Setting aside for a moment the spectacle of God’s obliterating the very heavens that the Bible says pour forth speech praising the Creator night and day, there remain the words of Jesus himself, who speaks of the renewal of all things. The “new heaven and new earth” will be this heaven and this earth, brought to their full flower. The Bible closes with the proclamation of heaven’s uniting with this renewed earth where God will have his address. Therefore, with great joy, we can know that those whose citizenship is in heaven are those who are most at home on this earth.
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