Fellowship of Suffering

Re:Verse passage – Philippians 3:1-11 (day two) 

that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; vs. 10

I recently read an essay by C.S. Lewis called Apologetics. In it he states that we do not believe or follow Christianity because we like it or that it makes us feel good. Rather, we believe it because it is true. Paul speaks in his letter the Colossian church about being buried with Christ through baptism and raised with him through faith. We must fully embrace this reality that Jesus came to die for us, and not only to die, but to suffer. That suffering was our penalty, and it became the path to our salvation. Our own journey may lead to temporary suffering, but as we enter, by faith, into a relationship with Christ we can know his strength. Don’t fear the suffering, look into the face of Jesus and let him love you through it.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

3 thoughts on “Fellowship of Suffering”

  1. Thank you, Pastor, for this. Only in the last few years of my Christian walk have I come to appreciate the centrality of suffering in the Christian life.
    This year I have been reading an old devotional, first published in 1925, Streams in the Desert, by Mrs. Chas. Cowman. I learned that she began writing it during the declining health, pain, and subsequent death of her beloved husband. The central theme seems to be of suffering and the growth of faith through it. That essential truth was somehow lost during the latter half of the twentieth century and first part of this one, at least in my estimation. Only upon the death of my beloved spouse did I begin to realize that suffering is not only a part of the Christian life but is essential to it.
    So I thank you for reminding us, as Paul does so often, that we must share in Christ’s sufferings that we may also share in His glory.
    Russell H.

    1. Well stated, Russell. In my similar experience, I’ve come to realize that suffering, in and of itself, is only part of of what’s essential. For me, what is actually essential is the learning about ourselves (and growth) that God has in store for us as a result of suffering.

      1. Thank you, Dave. That is our hope and ultimate joy, isn’t it, that the suffering has a purpose that God has planned for us, for our good and to His glory.

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