Re:Verse passage – Philippians 1:20-26 (day four)
v22 – …to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me;
Would you define your life as “fruitful?” Are you producing good fruit that lasts? Paul said that to keep on living would mean he would be able to continue leading people to Christ. He wanted to see his Creator’s face and be finished with the work here on earth. I think Paul also knew that when people trusted in Jesus and became new creations, that he did get to see his Creator’s face in the face of every new believer. He was “hard-pressed in both directions” because there is so much joy to be found, no matter what happened to him. Paul was anything but selfish. He decided that it was better for the church’s sake if he carried on and preached the Gospel. Are you struggling to bear fruit? It may be that you have become disconnected from the Vine (John 15) and are not able to bear fruit. Maybe you have never known what it is like to be connected to Jesus in that way. If you aren’t producing fruit for God, then examine where your life comes from. Ask yourself what really matters to you. We can only be fruitful when we abide in Christ. Prove yourself to be Jesus’ disciple and bear much fruit. Ask Jesus to help you to remain united to Him and desire to see His face in a new believer that is completely changed by the power of God.
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