Under Construction

Re:Verse passage – Philippians 1:1-11 (day four)

“…that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion…”

Our church has been surrounded by construction for the past few years. It seems that everywhere you look from a church parking lot, you can see cranes or construction tape and cones in just about every direction. Some of that construction has even been in our own building. There are times that the effects of construction can be difficult or troublesome as it makes us change our routines or rethink how we go about doing things.

Now, imagine if construction on our West Hall had never been completed and was just stuck in a state of being “under construction.” There would be no joyous celebration when it was finished. There would be no ministry from that building if the doors couldn’t be opened. There would be no laughter and life in the halls. It would be just an empty building stuck in a state of disuse.

I’m grateful that God works in us to completion. Sure, the “working on us” part may be difficult at times, but God will finish the job. God will bring the work on us to completion every time so that we can be useful and ready to share the Gospel. God is faithful in our lives in what He has done, what is currently doing, and what He will do in the future. He will always be with us, working us to completion.

What are the ways in which God is currently doing construction in your life?

Jimmy Gunn
Associate Pastor, Preschool & Elementary

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One thought on “Under Construction”

  1. Love this! It’s refreshing to think that something greater can come out of something broken or in a state of repair.

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