Down Payment

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 1:13-14 (day seven)

“who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.” Vs 14

The word pledge here can also be translated as down payment. We are more familiar with this terminology. A down payment on a home, car, or other large purchase is a way for us to enjoy the fullness of an item before we are able to have complete ownership. The seller allows the purchaser to pay for a portion of the item up front and will finance the rest of the payment, so that over time, the item will eventually come under the complete ownership of the purchaser.

The Holy Spirit is given to us as a down payment of our inheritance to God’s Eternal Kingdom. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to participate in the fullness of God’s love, mercy, and work here on earth until we achieve complete ownership of this inheritance in heaven.

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

One thought on “Down Payment”

  1. Love your easy to understand explanation in today’s DOWN PAYMENT now, here on earth as in buying car, house, whatever teens would entertain the idea of purchasing.

    {ON TIME:the term we old folks used when we wanted to buy clothes, shoes, car, but we were way up in opening credit cards…we all KNOW how too may of those can lead you down the rabbit hole!)}

    and you just explain in easy-to-understand terms:
    “Holy Spirit gives us the ability to participate in the fullness of God’s love, mercy, and work here on earth until we achieve complete ownership of this inheritance in heaven” Amen.
    PS Congrats on new little life you & wife are now expecting heard it thru the grapevine after teen camp!

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