Voice of the Spirit

Re:Verse passage – Romans 14:17-19 (day four)

In order to grasp the full meaning of a passage, it must be examined in context.  ‘In context’ means looking at the verses surrounding the passage to gain a wider picture and understanding.  Looking at all of Romans 14 helps us to understand verses 17-19.

Romans 14 deals with principles of conscience.  Conscience is an important work of the Holy Spirit.  When our conscience tell us we should or should not do something, it is often the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit.  We are convicted of right or wrong.  In Romans 8:16, Scripture says, “The Spirit bears witness with our spirit…”  [Henry Blackaby, in Experiencing God, taught that one of the things that only God can do is to convict of righteousness.]

Our Re:Verse passage this week teaches us how we are to live to please Christ.  We are approved by God when we “pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.”  Are you listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit in your life?

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Voice of the Spirit”

  1. Yes Larry, living no longer in fear of getting COVID-19 ’cause I’ve got it, home now 1 week on 100% oxygen tethered to a 30 ft long cord and 100% pure oxygen….posted just our daily needs at 1st as Bob also positive COVID-19, he’s almost 72, I’m 69, both been home quarantined entire time but in that serious age bracket…so we’ve GOT it..big deal..daily needs met…today in my QT after actually finally sleeping a bit, I listed how I now want to start investing in the BODY of believers needs, specifically ALL FBCSA members, families, my retired coworkers@ NISD, all others that once we both get 2x negative COVID-19 nasal swab, we can begin donating our liquid gold convalescent plasma to all as often as possible so no one I know has to die from COVID-19. I’m positive pneumonia but PTL I can finally breathe with deep breaths and my GOD IS AN AWESOME HEALING PROVIDING FATHER.

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