
Re:Verse passage – Romans 14:17-19 (day three)

“We pursue the things which make for peace.”

The way of life with others to which you have become accustomed requires the exertion of strength to assert your opinions, to defend your ideas, to guard your feelings, and to search for acceptance – all in order to secure a position as a valued member of a community or group or society. To the degree you’re not adept at exerting that strength, your status will suffer accordingly. Whereas in the world’s system a position of great value requires strength, the Holy Spirit teaches a kind of life in which a position of great value requires weakness – vulnerability, fallibility, failing, frailty, foible, infirmity. The Spirit makes it possible to care for one another in our weaknesses. This is peace: the laying down of weapons of judgment against one another. In such a community, you have nothing to prove.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

One thought on “Weak”

  1. Amen brother Bryan, the community is taking care of mine & Bob’s daily needs as scripture & HS directs with groanings. I’ve listed daily needs only as we are COVID-19 positive, i have pneumonia but PTL at home on oxygen tethered to 30 foot line to nasal canala until in several weeks we can both be tested and hoping PTL get 2 negative COVID-19 tests, OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD, providing thru Christian fellowship FBCSA & retired NISD community (my previous coworkers also neighbors in Rivermist)…once testS negative 2 x will get in touch with SWB&Tissue to begin process of donating both our convalescent plasma liquid gold so others with virus won’t die before vaccine ever perfected.
    Bottom line: Holy Spirit thru ‘Jesus with skin on’ by our fellow believers is taking care of Bob & Pam, PTL

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