Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:26-27 (day six)
…the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. Romans 8:27
This is a Trinitarian text. It captures the heart and mystery of the union of the Father, Son, and the Spirit…harmony. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote, “you don’t have because you don’t ask, and when you do, you ask with the wrong motives.” That’s the opposite of harmony; the Spirit never asks with the wrong motives, only ones in perfect alignment with the Father’s will.
Listen, when the Spirit pleads for us, the Father’s answer is always, always,
“Yes…my will be done.”
Why? Because of Trinitarian harmony. In all life’s bumps and bruises this side of eternity,
our weaknesses (vs. 26), or what we suffer now (vs. 18),
the Spirit asks and acts to fulfill the Father’s will, His Son-exalting, Jesus-conforming will.
Can’t think of a greater guarantee than that. I can hold on to that, even when I can’t see or feel what God is doing,
especially when life hurts the most. Harmony.
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Pastor Danny…
Thanks for this. Talk about Harmony; Question 5 in our Sunday School Lesson this week is:
“How does the intercession of the Spirit compare to the intercession of Christ as described in Hebrews 7:25-26?
“Therefore He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy innocent, undefined , separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens.” NASB
Could someone help me with some thoughts on this?
Bob, I’m sure your accidental typo was just that. Not “holy innocent” but “holy, innocent” and not “undefined” but “undefiled”. Perhaps your last question was rhetorical?
Upon examination of my whole life, I am amazed how much closer I feel to Almighty God today than I did 25 years ago. Not because I wasn’t already saved, trying to better understand and grow, but I am now so sure of His continual reconciling of me to Him (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) through His Son (Jesus Christ) because of the Father’s love for us all. God is all one being. As role of ultimate priest, the Son intercedes for us sinners all the time, continually purifying us more and more. So our disappointments begin to turn to victories; our failures turn into contentment with how we’ve been blest; our feeling of distance from God turns into a communion with Him more completely as we strive in our small, petty ways to drag ourselves kicking and screaming to His Throne of Grace. If I leave this world with nothing, I will for eternity have everything!