Fix It!

Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:26-27 (day four)

I am a planner/organizer…I like to ‘fix’ things.  When I am confronted with a task or challenge, my mind immediately goes to a step-by-step solution to the problem.  It is a gift, but like every other spiritual gift, it can be used in the Spirit or out of the Spirit.  The danger for me is when I immediately go to my own solution and never seek counsel from the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, the challenge is just too great!  It is so overwhelming that I cannot even see a way to fix it!  (Think…major health issue, global pandemic, or close friend that just will not turn to Christ!) It is then that I understand the ‘groaning too deep for words’.  My ‘need’ happens more often than I care to admit, but it is in these major events that I am confronted more clearly with my failure to follow the Spirit.

The Spirit is constantly at work in our lives.  Learning to walk in the Spirit is one of the key elements of becoming more like Christ.  How do we live every day, completely surrendered to the direction of the Holy Spirit?  Sounds like a question that needs ‘fixing’…in the Spirit!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

3 thoughts on “Fix It!”

  1. I certainly have that same problem Larry. My mind immediately goes to how can I fix it. I like to fix it and be done with it. I have to practice “be still and know…” more and more. Thank you Larry

  2. Each time I read these verses 26,27, I go to tears in wonder and amazement that this Helper (HS) that Christ said he must go away so he could send, lives in me. And when I’m praying and don’t know the words to use, again the grateful tears bc I know that HS is making utterance for me, that goes straight to the throne. Today I praise you and Thank you Lord God for this Helper , this sustainer and intercessor . Thank you for Larry and his family, for all our staff who keep pointing and guiding us to a closer walk with Jesus Christ.

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