
Re:Verse passage – Daniel 12:1-13 (day three)

“Go your way, Daniel.”

How do you respond to a wrenching vision of the advance of a culture-shattering sweep of geopolitical occurrences that will involve the suffering of untold billions of souls and usher in the climactic end of history as we know it? You respond by…going about your business? That’s not the same thing as acting as if coming events don’t matter. To the contrary, the nature of such a vision has everything to do with how one lives now. There are two ways of life from which to choose. One way involves believing that you are at the mercy of world-historical events. That way of life requires you to take or be taken, rule or be ruled, kill or be killed. The other involves understanding that someone other than you clothes the lilies, feeds the sparrows, and cares for you.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

One thought on “Live”

  1. I’m sorry I’m so late at getting around to reading your blog this week. I was deeply moved by the way you put it. We all need to go our way, remembering and placing our trust in the one who “clothes the lilies . . .” rather than facing life as if we must kill or be killed. With the racially charged, senseless Floyd protests raging through the country this past week, we should all realize how important it is to “go your way” with the Holy Spirit guiding us; not our own meager sense of justice and revenge in our hearts.

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