
Re:Verse passage – Daniel 9:23-27 (day five)  

Throughout the book of Daniel we are presented with a tension that we must not only recognize but navigate. The tension is caused by the very nature and character of God being in relationship with man- powerful/personal, sovereign/intimate, immediate/eternal.

Daniel has experienced God dealing in his daily circumstances. Daniel has also experienced God’s glory and seen His everlasting splendor. We must do the same. We must look to God for daily strength and guidance while knowing He has created and controls the world (present and future).  The challenge for the human heart and mind is to hold onto both ends of the tension. To praise and request. To worship and to obey.

(Lyrics from a new song I’m singing these days)

Who can spin the world around
And hold me ever close

Who can search the depths of me
And  love me to the core

Who controls the world I see
And walks me through it all

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Both”

  1. Your song reminds me also of our Lord’s Prayer:
    “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name…”
    He is like us and He is with us. He is above us and over us and different from us. He is Eternal God, but He is my father, my abba.
    We Christians are so blessed!!!

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