Re:Verse passage – Daniel 9:1-23 (day six)
On what grounds did Daniel pray? Daniel makes it very clear that his appeal for mercy is not based on his righteousness. He has none, nor the people of God. They all had gone their own way. Daniel’s prayer hinged on God’s character, not his own. If it was not for God’s righteousness, there would be no grounds for Daniel to pray at all.
What was true for Daniel, is true for us too. We pray in Jesus name because we come to the Father in His righteousness, not our own, otherwise we have no privilege to come to God at all.
This keeps us humble and bold. Humble because it reminds us we have been given so much, and bold because it reminds us we can freely approach the throne of grace without fear.
It’s an odd thought but true; Jesus died so Daniel could pray too.
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Without sin there is no forgiveness. Without forgiveness there there is no need for Daniel’s prayer. Nor for God demonstrating His righteousness and love by sacrificing his son for humans and heavenly beings.