
Re:Verse passage – Daniel 8:1-27 (day five) 

“The vision of the evenings and mornings Which has been told is true; But keep the vision secret, For it pertains to many days in the future. ”

One of the truths we are gleaning from our study of Daniel is the sovereignty of God.  Daniel certainly has a faith that is built around trusting God’s judgements, His control, His provision, and His protection.  So much so, that we have heard Daniel say, even if He chooses not to save me, it will be ok because His sovereign plans are just and right (my paraphrase).

Trusting the many facets of God’s sovereignty are not easy for human hearts. We like control. We like to be right. We press back on authority.

There’s another facet of God’s sovereignty we must also trust. His timing.  Daniel is told not to tell- to wait. Jesus does the same thing over and over  in the gospels. Why?  Because there is an eternal timing that we often ignore or miss. God’s sovereignty has an eternal perspective. We must learn to trust His timing just as much as His sovereign justice and mercy. Not easy, but a perspective that helps the human heart rest and find strength in God’s power and wisdom.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Timing”

  1. Pastor Lane…
    Thanks for this wisdom and perspective; but I don’t think there is a wrong time, or a time that invades God’s sovereignty; to pick up a Child Hunger Fund Food Box and deliver it to some family that has physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. I may not be good enough to do anything else at FBCSA; but I can carry a box, care, and watch God’s Holy Spirit work in someone’s life. Care enough to join me? Call Byron Pitts, at FBCSA; 210.226.0363
    Bob Wilson

    1. Pastor Scott…
      I reread my comment to you today. Please allow me to say that in NO WAY am I questioning how much you care. Please accept my humble apology.
      Bob Wilson

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