Re:Verse passage – Daniel 1:1-21 (day four)
The circumstances of Daniel’s life were rather overwhelming. His nation had been conquered by the most powerful king in the world. He and his friends were taken away as captives to a distant land and were treated as slaves on a path, not of their choosing.
Even though Daniel’s life was out of his control, he knew the God he served was sovereign and that he owed obedience to Him first and foremost. Daniel refused to compromise on what he knew God required of him, regardless of what the captor king demanded.
How about you? Are you allowing your circumstances to dictate your life? Or, are you letting God use you to make a difference for Him? Your obedience may have lasting effects on the people and circumstances around you. Ask God to open your eyes to what He expects of you and then walk in obedience…regardless of the cost. The cost of disobedience is much higher!
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Reminds me of the hymn
Trust And Obey for there’s NO other way to be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey.