Fulfillment of Prophecy

Re:Verse passage – Matthew 8:14-17 (day four)

This passage marks the third miracle identified in chapter 8.  Matthew includes the miracle in order to point out that Jesus is fulfilling prophecy.  He quotes the prophet Isaiah from chapter 53, the Suffering Servant passage.  Jesus is not just making sick people well, Matthew is equating their physical illnesses with their spiritual sins.

Jesus came to bring spiritual healing to the world.  His fulfillment of prophecy about the coming messiah was a proclamation of His divine identity.  Isaiah foretold the death of the Christ and His redeeming work of bearing our sins on His own, so that we might live.

If asked, can you tell someone who Jesus is?  The three questions every believer should be able to answer are:  1) Who is Jesus?  2) Why did He come?  3) What does it mean to us?  If you are struggling with any of these questions yourself, check out Christianity Explored at www.fbcsa.org.

Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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