Be Last

Re:Verse passage –Colossians 3:18-4:1 (day six)

We struggle with these verses because we see them through an old-world lens of power and place, or weak and strong. That’s not what Paul had in mind when writing them.

Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be great must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.” (Matthew 20:26)

Jesus would upend social norms, much like he turned tables in the temple. The temple wasn’t made to be a marketplace, nor relationships a power struggle, everyone vying for the next wrung up the ladder.

Jesus exchanges power with purpose (0r calling), and struggle with service. That’s what redeemed marriages look like. Both husband and wife fulfilling a divine calling, both sacrificially loving the other, outdoing each other with honor (Romans 12:10).

Perhaps, that’s what oneness looks like. Perhaps, that’s what great marriages look like.

The world needs more of those.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Be Last”

  1. I like what you said. When it comes down to it, it’s up to each of us individually. When you see someone not living the attitude described here while pretending to believe in it, most likely it is not up to you to “straighten him/her out”. In most cases, it’s your spouse or a parent or a grand parent. In most cases, it’s up to you to live it and let it be seen. There are rare moments when your answers to your prayers to God concerning those people or that person become clear in a mighty way. Just don’t look for it every day. Just turn the dark, cloudy day into sunshine with your celebration of your salvation and God’s wondrous Grace and Mercy, along with your continued servanthood!

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