Re:Verse passage – Colossians 3:18-4:1 (day two)
…knowing that you too have a Master in heaven. 4:1b
I have a confession. I really enjoy English period dramas. There, I’ve said it, now you can form whatever opinions of me that you like. I am a fan of English music, architecture, history, and literature. So it will come as no surprise to you that we watch Downton Abbey quite a bit in our home. Throughout the series there is a clearly defined boundary between upstairs and downstairs. Much of the series is about pushing these boundaries, or at least testing their limits, but they exist nonetheless. The truth is, however, that even those who lived upstairs, the aristocracy, were bound by the rules and conventions as well. No one was completely without some sort of rules for living.
Our freedom comes from serving others, but truly from serving Christ. We are only free in light of his authority. This must be the catalyst for how we comport every relationship, every business, every institution if we are to accurately claim to be followers of Christ. We must treat others as if we are clearly under his authority.
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