Re:Verse passage – Colossians 2:16-23 (day seven)
It seems as if it would be wise to make more rules. If we abide by the rules, we stay out of trouble, so more rules means that we are further from trouble. As our focus becomes about the rules, we forget why the rule was set in the first place: to lead us into a deeper relationship with God.
A self-made religion is one that focuses on actions in attempting to reach up to a certain level of spiritual maturity that we might please God. The beauty of Christianity is that we have a God that reaches down to us because he is already pleased. If our goal is to please God through our actions, we will always fall short. The true measurement of our spirituality is in the willingness to set our pride aside in conformity to the Head. In our conformity we will begin to walk in step with Him, move as He moves, and look more like Him.
Rick Henderson
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