Our Part

Re:Verse passage – Colossians 1:24-29 (day five) “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.”  Paul’s goal for his ministry is that every believer would be complete (mature) in Christ. So for Paul’s part, this will require proclaiming Christ, admonishing and teaching believers.  What about the believers’ part?  To become mature in the faith, believers must be willing to do their part. If there is effective admonishing, there must be believers who are humble and moldable. If there is effective teaching, there must be believers who are eager and willing to learn.  Praise God for pastors and leaders who do their part (proclaim, admonish, teach)!  Will we be faithful to do our part, so that we may be complete and mature in Christ?

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Our Part”

  1. What and how to communicate Christ matter so we can measure up to the statute of the fullness of Christ. “Maturity” in Christ is the goal for all as without it, we will be “molded” or fall into deceitful schemes. It is amazing to see Paul’s vision for the work of the ministry through counseling and through teaching or instruction to help people solve problems that life throws at them and to know the gospel and understand a Christian worldview.

    I am convinced that without maturity in Christ, the work of the ministry is incomplete! And if we/Christians are not making a concerted effort to grow in Christ, we cannot help others in that process. Reaching the maturity stage is the goal for all Christians.

    There is a lesson here: to excel in any mission, we have to reach to the level of maturity!!

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