Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 8/26/19

Re:Verse passage – Colossians 1:1-8 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Colossians 1:18  in our New Fall Sermon Series: “Fullness of Christ” a study of Colossians.

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2 thoughts on “Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 8/26/19”

  1. Yes Bryan, I wanted to hear more too! What you said moved me to my study of Paul’s prayers as found in Ephesians 1: 15-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21. There too, Paul speaks about faith, hope and love. I believe hopelessness leads to powerlessness. On the other hand, hope leads us to the power we are given by God’s Spirit at work in us as we trust by faith that what Jesus says is true about Himself along with what He wants to give us which produces the fruit of loving all of the saints.
    Thank you, thank you for leading us to think more deeply about what Scripture is saying!

    1. Correction from previous comment:
      God’s power in us, the same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead, leads us to hope.

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