Not an Option

Re:Verse passage – Matthew 28:18-20 (day four)

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”
― J. Hudson Taylor

This is my favorite quote by my favorite missionary. Reading Hudson Taylor’s Biography changed the course of my life and motivated me to listen to the call of God which beckoned me to China. No one is qualified to be a missionary. I certainly was not. It was the boldness of other hero-believers such as Taylor that gave me the courage to “Go into all the world.” Obedience comes before understanding. I listened to my Savior, but I did not know how I would fulfill the Great Commission. All I knew how to do was “Go.” How do I teach them everything you commanded, or baptize them, or make disciples when I do not know their language or culture? Jesus only demands that we are willing to submit to His supreme authority and trust that He will never leave us to do the work alone. Believer, young and old, don’t be afraid of where God the Father calls you or what Jesus the Son commands you to do; JUST GO and TRUST His Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Whatever you do, please do not ignore this command and say it is for someone else. If you do you are disobeying direct orders. There is no other reason we are left on this earth. Jesus is coming back soon! Let us be counted among the good and faithful! Ready. Set. Go!

Byron Pitts
Director of Community Missions & Evangelism

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