Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 8/19/19

Re:Verse passage – Matthew 28:18-20 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Matthew 28:18-20 (The Great Commission) in our Summer Sermon Series: “Meant for More. A Study of Commandments.”

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3 thoughts on “Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 8/19/19”

  1. When did we as “the Church” loose sight of the fact of the fact that it is ok to pray and specifically pray publicly, by name or just initials, for those who have true spiritual needs: “The Lost”. Who are “The Lost”?

    1). Those that have never begun a faith based, and obedient relationship with the Lord through Jesus, the Christ.
    2). Those of us, that have begun a faith based, and obedient relationship with our Lord through Jesus, the Christ; but for what ever reason find ourselves “lost” in spiritual understanding.

    Could it be that we as FBCSA have “lost” our spiritual understanding in this area? Could someone please answer my question?

    Respectfully yours,

    Bob Wilson

  2. The Great Commission is a concept that is being considered a controversial idea in today’s fast changing world; and according to a survey result, is not understood by a majority of church goers. Is it a concern for the Church? Maybe American churches should use the term on a regular basis and make the phrase visible across communication channels, external and internal, and on all social media networks.

    My insight, “A majority of church-going American Christians are unfamiliar with the term, the “Great Commission,” a recent survey found. Even among those familiar with it, 25 percent recognized the phrase but could not explain what it was. Only 17 percent were familiar with the phrase and its meaning. So what exactly is the Great Commission? And why is it a controversial idea for some?

    Read more from the link below!

    It would be interesting to see the percentage of FBCSA church goers who is familiar with the term, The Great Commission” and what they think about the concept.

    Phuong Le Callaway, PhD
    Washington, DC

  3. Well, Bryan, it stresses me out, too! I have tried to witness to neighbors and strangers but America is a hard sell because ” I have a church” is always an easy out response I receive. I’ve found that some younger neighbors are just pleasant to listen, but inclined not to respond. I have better results with Jews that are “on the line”. So, the stress for me is this- do I drop what I am doing at 70 and go to Europe, Africa, or Asia? “Where, Jesus, do I go now?” I will say that the two by two principle works as I have been in France where I felt the need of another believer to help me talk to a French person who has been swayed by the Jehovah’s Witnesses- who I might add have taken the Great Commission to worldwide extremes. So that’s my stress. I have a tiny neighborhood now that I ask to a local Boerne Bible study. I have two out of 20. I guess that’s a good response, but they are already “churched” just want more.
    Aaron, I think we need to sing, “Here I am Lord”.

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