
Re:Verse passage – Exodus 20:4-6 (day seven)

Idols promise to enhance the worship experience.  The craftsman imagines that if you enshrine the person of God in some visible form then every element of worship will reach new heights.  However, you do not need one more thing for worship.  Everything we need for worship and all that we need for relationship with God has already been given.

The best thing you can do today to enhance your worship is to prepare your heart in repentance and focus your attention on the Lord.  Gilded external stimuli is unnecessary to accomplish this, you have the Holy Spirit. There is no need to wait on a craftsman or rely on a minister, God is creating in you a new heart honed for worship this very moment.

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Author: Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Worship”

  1. Thank you Pastor Chris tor such a timely & important reminder that all we need to worship our one God we already have! That is just what I needed to hear today!

  2. “Wow” was literally my first thought – actually, I said it out loud. Thank you Pastor Chris for stating that truth so perfectly.

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