Re:Verse passage – Exodus 20:3 (day one)
Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Exodus 20:3 in our new Summer Sermon Series: “Commandments.”
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I keep thinking of people who might say “How can I believe in a God who admits he’s a jealous God?” That seems to me utter foolishness and such a human question. Anyone who has been married cannot deny the heartbreak they would feel (or already have felt) if/when the spouse cheats on them. There’s only one difference here: God KNOWS we all cheat on Him. At least most married couples reach some sort of level of trust to believe their spouse would not do that. Back of the pain they would feel if it happened, demonstrating a natural jealousy one person in a love relationship MUST have for the other. YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BESIDES (or before) ME! It seems the most fair commandment to date!