Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 5/13/19

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 20 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through 2 Samuel 20.

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2 thoughts on “Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 5/13/19”

  1. Aaron should definitely add a July 4th head tossing game….. women invited for peaceful tossing.
    And you all are right. Enough HBO drama….. so revealing of our sinful human hearts and need for a Savior.

  2. As I listened to the discussion, I see several lessons here:
    1) leadership is about vision, wisdom, decisions and actions.
    2) the value of trust and loyalty.
    3) the right selection of personnel for the right position at the right time.

    Through this discussion, it is obvious to me that Joab definitely was an opportunist who took advantages of David’s good heart as a man of God’s heart to advance his personal ambition without any concerns for harms to others. Joab was in for himself, for his own glory, was loyal to his own fame and power, not to David or anyone else.

    The lesson learned here for us is one’s character and whom we can trust in the selection of commanding posts or senior leadership positions. Trust is a critical ingredient in leadership.

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