Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 5/6/19

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 18 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through 2 Samuel 18.

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3 thoughts on “Monday Re:Verse Blog Post – 5/6/19”

  1. So what happened to Joab? Absalom killed his half brother, now Joab kills his. Is this another ” let’s ignore this” from David?
    I also find it diplomatically said by the Cushite that he said “the LORD has freed you this day from the hand of all those who rose up against you.” Then, in the next verse,32, he discreetly says “Let the enemies of my lord the king, and all who rise up against you for evil be as that young man!”
    Great conversation and perspective today. How are we like David in so many ways?

  2. I always enjoy Monday’s Reblog and get so much out of your discussions.
    As you were talking about David’s relationships with Saul and Absalom, it made me think of people I have known who have lost spouses or others who they did not seem to really get along with. After their death, they considered them to be almost saints with all the past bad memories gone. Maybe this is God’s way of helping us deal with loss so that it is bearable.

  3. I think that we as a church should focus on a comment that Bryan made. How often do we love the ideal of loving people and we do not love the people God has put in front of us? I often get reminded, “Are you applying to life what you are reading and studying?” I pray that our church does not just love the ideal of loving people but will love people and will figure a way to minister to those who others cast out despite their past or current sins.
    As always, this was insightful and a great start to the ReVerse week. Thank you all.

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