Great Commission

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 13:1-33 (day seven)

The last word Jesus gave us before his ascension in Matthew was the great commission: Matthew 28:18-20.  What amazes me about this passage is how often well-intentioned churches do the exact opposite of what Jesus asks us to do:

  • Jesus said “go” – we like to stay right where we are, or at least leave our faith right where it is.
  • Jesus said “make disciples” – our best efforts are usually just to invite people to church, because inviting people to church takes minimal effort.
  • Jesus said “baptize” – we try to get this one right in the Baptist world, but I’m not sure we recognize baptism as one step of four commands in the great commission.
  • Jesus said “teach them to obey all that I commanded you” – we usually teach toward knowledge not obedience, and certainly not obedience to ALL of Christ’s commands.

Jesus gave us clear instructions may we be who Jesus Christ has called us to be.

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Author: Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

3 thoughts on “Great Commission”

  1. “Jesus said “teach them to obey all that I commanded you” – we usually teach toward knowledge not obedience, and certainly not obedience to ALL of Christ’s commands.”

    As someone said, we are in danger of becoming biblical Gnostics.
    It’s time to graduate from bible class and start applying what we have learned. Jesus not only taught but he practiced what He taught and so did His disciples!

  2. This admonition has brought me to Prayer. Prayer has brought me to confession and repentance. I long to be a part of a “Great Commission Church”; a Church willing to confess and repent a corporate sin culture of unwillingness to pray corporately for the lost by name or initials. Do we care enough to become involved in corporate prayer times to this end? Time will tell.

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