Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 11 (day six)
David’s fall into tragedy did not happen overnight. It took time. It was a steady, but slow decline into spiritually lethargy and indifference. See how far David had come; it is not until he is confronted by Nathan that he smells the decaying stench of his sin. Not in a million years could he have imagined how far he would fall.
The small things tend to add up. An inch here, a couple there, a small detour over there; at first you can’t notice but soon the decline really begins to show itself, and it is only after you are forced to take a step back and look that you see just how far you have fallen.
That’s why Paul encourages us, “Run as if to when the prize,” or “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” In the Christian life lethargy is not an option; it’s deadly.
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I agree there seems to be a possibility of a drifting away as suggested. However, I want to add that directly after a great spiritual victory, one’s fall from grace can be very swift due to some “skeleton in the closet” that had not yet been cleaned out, remaining there for many years. We are not aware of how many wives and concubines David already had at this moment of weakness: any of whom he could have and should have turned to.