Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 8 (day six)
“So, David reigned over all Israel.”
2 Samuel 8 is a brief overview of David establishing himself as king of Israel. It retells his military exploits, securing and expanding the kingdom. The writer wants us to know what kind of king David is; he is strong, shrewd, wise and just. Twice, we are told that David’s rise as king is attributed to “the Lord.”
In the Old Testament stories of David often point us to Jesus. He is the embodiment of a promise of an even better king. So as David establishes himself as king so long ago, it also is a picture of Jesus establishing his kingship over our lives, marriages, families, and yes even the nations.
So, here’s the question, is Jesus’ kingship on the rise in your life? More and more is he gaining victory over strongholds and barriers to greater intimacy, unity, and purpose? From big to small things, are you yielding to Him more and more? Will you let him reign?
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