Why Me?

Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 7 (day four)

Why me?  David asked God why He had chosen to bless him and his household.  In modern times, we tend to say we are so loved by God that He blesses us on our own merit.  David has a different answer…he answers himself in vv. 20-21.  David says it is nothing I have done…I don’t deserve any blessing…it is all for God’s glory.

There is a modern song that says when Jesus was on the cross, He was only thinking of me.  David would say, ‘Jesus was being obedient to His Father and He was thinking only of Him.’  David had an accurate view of God.  Our self-centered approaches to God’s blessings are the complete opposite of David’s understanding.

Have you ever substituted your own goodness and worth for God’s glory and mercy?  As Blake Coffee reminded us last Sunday, we must maintain a high view of God…”not of works lest any man should boast.”  (Ephesians 2:9)

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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