Re:Verse passage – 2 Samuel 6 (day two) Meanwhile, David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the Lord with all kinds of instruments made of fir wood, and with lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets and cymbals. Vs. 5
Make no mistake, genuine worship is a response to God’s presence. No amount of presentation or polish will usher in the Holy Spirit. We are foolish to think that we do anything to invite the Lord into his house. We are the ones that need reminding of his majesty. When the blinders of sin, doubt, the past, our weariness are finally removed our natural response is to praise. It is what we are made to do. What is your expectation when you enter worship? For that matter what is your expectation every time you seek the Father in prayer. Make no mistake we don’t need to get his attention, he is trying to get ours. What would our worship be like if we came with hearts ready to praise? Not perfected or even always happy hearts, but hearts calibrated to truly encounter Jesus. Who knows, we might even dance…
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Well said, my friend. Worship is to join His larger heart rather than convince Him to enter my smaller space/perspective. He has already done that in the incarnation. Now, the invitation is for me to become one with Him! Proud of your mind and your heart and your words.
I believe that if we really grasp the reality that we are coming into the presence of our God, we will come with humble expectation, delighting in His truth and ready to submit our thoughts and lives to His Word.
The article below explains how we can prepare our hearts for corporate worship. I find it a good read!