Re:Verse passage – John 13: 1-17 (day one)
Join Pastor Chris Johnson, Assoc. Pastor Aaron Hufty and Assoc. Pastor Bryan Richardson as they walk us through John 13.
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I am enjoying the vlog. It is a another level of understanding and insight t the scripture passage for the week! Looking forward to more
It’s less uncomfortable/humbling to wash someone’s else’s feet than to have your feet washed by someone else. Perhaps pride had something to do with Peter’s response, .” 8 Peter *said to Him, “Never shall You wash my feet!”
Great dialogue among FBCSA leadership. In real life, a comfort zone is a beautiful and peaceful place but nothing will grow there. By attempting something that is outside our comfort zone, we are able to grow; and, most importantly, we are able to learn.
Gentlemen thank you for the conversation, opening the door on other currents running along in this wonderful scripture. This new Monday meeting is pleasing, thanks.