Re:Verse passage – John 12:20-37, 42-50 (day seven)
Jesus does two extraordinary turnabouts in this text. They seem out of character and unlike the Jesus we often imagine. For one, Jesus seems to ignore the Greeks who have asked to speak to him. He never acknowledges them through this discourse. Then, in verse 36 Jesus hides himself from the unbelievers.
He could have at least spoken to the Greeks or stuck around to try to save some of the unbelievers, both of which seem more noble than this account in John 12. Why did he leave all of them out in the cold?
We find the answer in verse 27: “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.”
God’s plan rarely includes all the good we think it should. We think Jesus could have talked to the Greeks or hung around a little bit longer, when, in fact, it was time for Jesus to head towards the cross. God plans often diverge from our best intentions, and when they do we follow God anywhere and everywhere He goes, even when we have to give up good opportunities.
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