Re:Verse reading–John 9:1-7, 13-41 (day two)
Jesus answered, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him. vs. 3
Let’s be clear. Sin has consequences. Sometimes those consequences manifest in physical form. This, however, is not what Jesus is addressing in this passage. Jesus is speaking about circumstance. Let’s face it some folks will always seem to have more, get more, be better than you, but you have an opportunity in whatever circumstance God puts you to give him glory. We may never know the “why” of things, but we can be sure that God is at work. How can we be a part of it? Even in our trials and sufferings, God is at work. Your journey can bring him glory. Through your prayers let me encourage you to ask for the wisdom to know how to use your particular circumstance for kingdom purpose.
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I read a great statement today in Oswald Chambers’ “Still Higher for His Highest”: “The world isfor redemption, not for progress.” And then this: “The Christian is one who has been taken into that secret by the personal experience of redemption.” To me, this is the heart of the Gospel…to surrender to God and allow Him to redeem us.