Re:Verse reading–John 4:4-30, 39-42 (day four)

In our family, we call it CTS…Change the Subject.  When the conversation starts going a direction you don’t want to go in, you discreetly CTS.  (We always get caught, but we keep trying!)  The Samaritan woman tried it too.  Jesus’ questions about her husbands were not comfortable.  The conversation was getting too personal…let’s CTS!  Jesus was not put off track…He kept the focus of the dialogue on the woman and her relationship with God through Christ.  His persistence resulted in much fruit.

Stay the course…do not be deterred.  When sharing Christ with an unbeliever, don’t be distracted by questions or comments meant to CTS.  It’s the hard questions, that we often avoid, that may lead to the most introspection and result in the most beneficial life change.  Jesus gave us the example of keeping the important things the important thing.  Keep your focus when sharing the gospel.  You never know…a whole city might come to know Christ!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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