For Christ’s Sake

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 12:1-10 (Day six)

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Christ’s power turns the world on its head. He is not desperately looking for the next celebrity, or highly positioned politician to advance the cause. Nor is he wringing his hands wishing another highly visible QB would pray in the end zone or mention his name during a viral press conference. He’s not going through a stack of resumes looking for the right pedigree and experience to pastor the next mega-church. The Kingdom of God does not advance on the shoulders of giants, but through the lives of servants.

He is looking for anyone who says, “For Christ’s sake.”

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “For Christ’s Sake”

  1. Good reminder! Greatness in God’s kingdom is never to be found in position or power or in the praise and opinions of men but in servant-like service to others. Jesus is a great servant of God and he set up a great example for his followers.

    The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of faithful servants who work tirelessly and serve for Christ’ sake to advance the Kingdom of God, not for personal ambitions or personal gains or agendas.

    Not everyone will be called to serve. And God knows who are faithful servants and belong to His Kingdom!

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