Stand for Truth

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 10 (day four)

In 2 Corinthians 10, there is a change in the demeanor of Paul’s letter.  In the first 7 chapters, Paul was seeking to restore his relationship with the Corinthian church.  Having restored it, in chapters 8-9 he tells them of the opportunity to participate in the gift to the Jerusalem church.  Now, in chapter 10, Paul’s tone abruptly changes.  He begins to confront the false teachers that are seeking to undermine his apostolic authority.

Paul confronted the false teachers.  Satan will always present his lies to divert men from God’s way of truth.  Spiritual warfare is a reality we all face.  Just as Paul stood for truth and confronted false truths, so must we be diligent to not only recognize the wiles of Satan, but confront them and battle them just as Paul did.  To fight this battle, we must put on our armor of God daily. (Ephesians 6:10-17)  The warrior must be equipped and prepared to do battle in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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