Capture My Thoughts

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 10 (day two)

We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. vs. 5b

Lord, capture my thoughts. How often have you let your mind run rampant over God’s will for your life? How often have you received a word from the Lord and then listened to the doubts and fears of the deceiver? This simple and powerful prayer has been one of the most profound in my Christian walk. I’m a smart guy. I can figure it out. I don’t need help. STOP – Lord, capture my thoughts. I have prayed these exact words countless times when I feel my own will trying to supersede God’s.

There is a caveat, however. It’s in the heart of belief. I have found that I truly believe that God can intercede and take those mis-directed thoughts and turn them to his glory. The words are simple, the truth: profound. Do you feel your mind filled with thoughts that are contrary to God’s design and plan for your life? Surrender them to him, and trust that he will deliver you.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

One thought on “Capture My Thoughts”

  1. I love it Aaron. Simple prayer. Short. Direct. Powerful. “Lord, capture my thoughts.”

    I have prayed this concept most of my life because of my great need to do so. But your version is better. As of immediately, I am using these 4 words. (LCMT). And when I pray this it will remind me of you , prompting me to pray for your ministry & family with love.

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